Credit: Petaluma Argus Courier 2022

COMMUNITY FUNDED grants up to $350
Login to your Google account to access the form below.
Login to your Google account to access the form below.

“The Petaluma Educational Foundation, through its grant program funds large projects for schools,
but there is a gap that many teachers fill from their own pockets,”– Rotarian Frank Wiener

ROTARY'S 21st ANNUAL LEND A HAND TO EDUCATION PROGRAM is a community supported project to fund grants of up to $350 for Petaluma area teachers, principals and counselors in grade K-12.
Extra consideration will be given to requests for support of reading, arts, music, field trips, STEM/STEAM, mental health, education around human trafficking as well innovative projects that engage all students.
“The grants help teachers cover things such as batteries for flashlights to field trips.”– Rotarian Jennifer Carter / Excerpt from Petaluma Argus Courier

grant request REQUIREMENTS:
1. Promote academic excellence.
2. Encourage active learning opportunities for students.
3. Reach as many students as possible.
4. Involve students in the classroom or assembly linked to curriculum.
5. Be relevant and appropriate for the age group.
6. NOT be funded by another source.
(except for equipment exceeding the $350 limit)
7. Teacher is given approval by principal for grant request and
documentation of costs associated with grant request must be attached.
8. Must pass the Rotary 4 Way Test:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build Goodwill & Friendships?
4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
2. Encourage active learning opportunities for students.
3. Reach as many students as possible.
4. Involve students in the classroom or assembly linked to curriculum.
5. Be relevant and appropriate for the age group.
6. NOT be funded by another source.
(except for equipment exceeding the $350 limit)
7. Teacher is given approval by principal for grant request and
documentation of costs associated with grant request must be attached.
8. Must pass the Rotary 4 Way Test:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build Goodwill & Friendships?
4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Login to your Google account to access the form below.
NOVEMBER 15, 2024
NOVEMBER 15, 2024
JANUARY 6th- 15th: Notified from LAH of grant approvals. Teachers/counselors/principals can plan spring activities accordingly
FEBRUARY 15th- Feb 22nd: LAH Liaison drops off grant certificates and CHECKS.
MARCH 10th: Deadline for school to submit receipt letters to LAH Liaison.
JUNE 1st: LAH survey sent to participating schools to gather feedback, interest in following year's LAH, etc.
FEBRUARY 15th- Feb 22nd: LAH Liaison drops off grant certificates and CHECKS.
MARCH 10th: Deadline for school to submit receipt letters to LAH Liaison.
JUNE 1st: LAH survey sent to participating schools to gather feedback, interest in following year's LAH, etc.


Dear Petaluma Rotary Members,
Thank you so much for awarding my classroom a Lend A Hand to Education Grant for our kindergarten field trip to the Oakland Zoo. After we finished our science unit on animals this spring, with the help from your grant, we were able to take a field trip to the Oakland Zoo. Students were able to apply their new knowledge of the 6 groups of animals and their characteristics as they explored the zoo and participated in a scavenger hunt. I have attached some pictures from our amazing day that I wanted to share with you all!
Thank you again for your continued support of Petaluma schools and your dedication to enriching our wonderful community,
Best, Hannah Sarlatte
Kindergarten Teacher
McKinley Elementary School
Thank you so much for awarding my classroom a Lend A Hand to Education Grant for our kindergarten field trip to the Oakland Zoo. After we finished our science unit on animals this spring, with the help from your grant, we were able to take a field trip to the Oakland Zoo. Students were able to apply their new knowledge of the 6 groups of animals and their characteristics as they explored the zoo and participated in a scavenger hunt. I have attached some pictures from our amazing day that I wanted to share with you all!
Thank you again for your continued support of Petaluma schools and your dedication to enriching our wonderful community,
Best, Hannah Sarlatte
Kindergarten Teacher
McKinley Elementary School
Dear Rosemary,
Thank you for all that you do for our schools. I have been the recipient of a Lend-a-Hand grant in the past,and let me tell you, it is an incredible boost, not just in a financial reward, but in knowing that there are people who value the work that we do with children.
So many, many thanks!
Thank you for all that you do for our schools. I have been the recipient of a Lend-a-Hand grant in the past,and let me tell you, it is an incredible boost, not just in a financial reward, but in knowing that there are people who value the work that we do with children.
So many, many thanks!
Happy Holidays
Miwok Valley Charter School